Why CPR for me?
One of the missions of your local ambulance service is to plan for medical emergencies in our district which covers Honeoye Falls, Mendon, and surrounding communities. Although, we all hope that we and our loved ones will not face such an emergency, we know that emergencies occur in our town on a regular basis. Earlier this month, for example, HFMVA responded to 21 calls for help in one single weekend. HFMVA needs to plan for emergencies and we need you to plan as well.
Recently, HFMVA conducted a CPR class for residents. We had 9 residents, young and not so young, get training. Our last class was taught by Courtney Rawleigh, RN, one of our long-time volunteers who is a certified CPR trainer. HFMVA advertises CPR classes in the Sentinel and PennySaver, which generously donate space for the ads. We would like to see you at one of our free CPR classes in the future.
Why CPR for You?
When you call 911 for emergency help, the 911 center very quickly sends an alarm to our ambulance base on East Street in Honeoye Falls. Soon after, our ambulance is at your door. Our crews are trained in CPR and, if necessary can continue performing CPR until a patient reaches the hospital.
However, CPR is most successful when it is started as quickly as possible. According to the American Heart Association, the chance of survival decreases 7-10% for every minute CPR is delayed. Your best chance of surviving is if someone near you starts CPR immediately. When our crews get to an emergency scene, they would like to see that CPR has already been started because they know that the patient is more likely to survive.
The more residents of our district that are trained to start CPR, the greater the likelihood that a patient will survive. Our goal is to get you and your neighbors trained in CPR. Please consider signing-up for a CPR class.
If you just can’t get to a CPR class, log-on to the American Heart Association website and learn hands-only CPR at: http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/CPRAndECC/CPR_UCM_001118_SubHomePage.jsp.
If you would like to assist your neighbors directly, consider volunteering for HFMVA. We would like to see you on-board with our volunteers.
To learn more about HFMVA or see our latest CPR class train on our computer-assisted simulator, check-out the HFMVA Facebook page.